Our selection of helpful organisations you can benefit from:

  • CPIC – www.integracnicentra.cz (also in ENG, RUS,VI,MN) – Czech Language Courses and other Services
  • META – www.meta-ops.cz/kurzy-cestiny-pro-deti (also in ENG,RUS)  – Czech Language Courses for children and other Services (contacts: poradenství@meta.ops.cz, tel.:775339003, 777756858.
  • Inkluzivní škola (also in ENG,  www.inkluzivniskola.cz) – Educational Services
  • Inbaze.cz – helping Migrants and their families living in Czech Republic. Address:Legerova 357/50, 120 00 Praha 2, contacts: (+420) 739 037 353, e-mail: info@inbaze.cz
  • CIC Centrum pro integraci cizinců, o.p.s.- Social and Educational Services for Foreigners living in Czech Rep. Address: Pernerova 10/32, 186 00, Praha 8, contacts: +420 704 600 700, email: info@cicops.cz, web: www.cicops.cz
  • IC Prague – Integrační centrum Praha – www.icpraha.com. Specialization – Integration of Third Country Citizens outside EU. Address:  Praha 4 – Pankrác. Adresa: Hvězdova 1594/19,140 00  Praha 4 – Nusle. Contacts: +420 775 771 944 (aj),+420 775 721 427 (esp,por) .
  • other NNO (NGO –  Non-Governmental Organization)– eg. Poradna pro integraci, Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům, Sdružení občanů zabývajících se emigranty, Poradna pro uprchlíky, Český helsinský výbor, Centrum pro integraci cizinců, Centrum pro otázky migrace)  -working, educational and law counselling for migrants, asylants and all non-czech speakers.



